
Here we will collect a number of online resources related to our collaboration.

Collaboration Seminars


An archive of previous activities of the collaboration with links to videos and other materials can be found here.

Satellite Seminars Series

We advertise here some online seminar series organised by the community together with some of our PIs that are close to the main themes of the collaboration

Lecture series by our PIs and Associates

  • TASI 2023: Aspects of Symmetries
    The TASI school is a traditional school dedicated to US graduate students in theoretical physics. In 2023 the school has been co-organized by some of our collaboration members: Ibrahima Bah and Ken Intriligator, together with Shu-Heng Shao (Stony Brook) and Oliver DeWolfe (local organizer). The TASI school features several beautiful lectures about some of the topics of interest for our collaboration (and beyond!) by many internationally renewed experts (including also some of our PIs). YouTube Video Recordings are available. More details about the school can be found on the event’s website.
  • Thorngren Scandinavian Lectures
    Uppsala University May 27-June 3, 2022 (POSTPONED) The precise program will be announced on this page closer to the date. It is possible to follow these lectures from zoom. Please, contact the organizer to be added to the mailing list. Lecture 1 – May 27, 2022 Lecture 2 – May 30, 2022 Lecture 3 – June 1st, 2022 Lecture 4 – June 3rd, 2022 Organizer: Michele Del Zotto
  • Claudia Scheimbauer on “Dualizabitility, higher categories, and topological field theories”
    Claudia has given a series of seven lectures at the Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology. Dualizabitility, higher categories, and topological field theories In the past decade, using higher categories has proven to be an essential ingredient in the study of topological field theories (TFTs) from a mathematical perspective. The most prominent and seminal result is the Cobordism Hypothesis, which gives a beautiful classification of “fully extended” topological field theories. Here, fully extended means that our TFT can be evaluated at manifolds and bordisms of all dimensions below a given one; conversely, the mathematical language needed to describe the structure is… Read more: Claudia Scheimbauer on “Dualizabitility, higher categories, and topological field theories”
  • Dan Freed lectures on “Topics in field theory and topological phases of matter”
    Dan has given a series of lectures at the Korean Institute for Advanced Studies as part of a long running series organized by Minhyong Kim.
  • Theo Johnson Freyd on “Operators and higher categories in quantum field theory”
    Theo has given a lecture series at the Korean Institute for Advance Studies, as part of a long-running series organized by Minhyong Kim. The abstract for the talks read: I. A complete mathematical definition of quantum field theory does not yet exist. Following the example of quantum mechanics, I will indicate what a good definition in terms could look like. In this good definition, QFTs are defined in terms of their operator content (including extended operators), and the collection of all operators is required to satisfy some natural properties. II. After reviewing some classic examples, I will describe the construction… Read more: Theo Johnson Freyd on “Operators and higher categories in quantum field theory”